
Vocaloid translations and more.

Welcome to my blog! I translate songs from Japanese to English. Please check out my translations here or on the Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki.
ぼくのブログへようこそ!歌を日本語から英語に翻訳します。ここまたはVocaloid Lyrics Wiki でぼくの翻訳をご覧ください。
Bonvenon al mia blogo! Mi tradukas kantojn de la japana al la angla. Bonvolu vidi miajn tradukojn ĉi te, aŭ en la Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki.


My translations can be reposted as long as you give me proper credit. Please do not make drastic changes to my translations as not to discredit my work and the work of those over on VLW who look over them. Thank you!

My translations are for fun, and I do not take comissions. I will be open to taking "pro bono" requests in the future, after I'm done setting up my blog and updating Wikis.
Please note I do not have a set schedule for uploading translations and simply do so whenever I have the time.
Thank you for visiting my site! Please enjoy your stay.