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みずみずユッユ "Mizu Mizu Yuyyu"

Japanese English
えっ おかしいな Eh? How strange
のびのび ちゃぷちゃぷ はしゃいでる
ぴょんぴょん ぎゅんぎゅん 目が回る
A waterfall is gushing from my chest
Snakes from the other side of the sky fell
Calmly, calmy, splishy-splashy, having a merry time
Hopping, skipping, my eyes spin around
らん らん らん きもちいね
I line the mirror up with the cracks in my bones
I count 6x6 sheep jumping over the fence
Sleeping soundly, it felt so good
La, la, la, doesn't it feel good?
水水水の中湯湯 さあいっしょに仲良く溺れましょ
何でもかんでも忘れてさ さああっついつめたい 水平宇宙は
水水水の中湯湯 さあいっしょに仲良く浸りましょ
ぼーっとするまでいておくれ さあ仲良く仲良く遊びましょ
In the water, water, water, it's so warm; c'mon, let's drown together like the best of friends
Forgetting anything and everything; ah, warm, chilly, this horizontal universe
In the water, water, water, it's so warm; c'mon, let's get soaked together like the best of friends
Stay until we fall into a daze; c'mon, let's play together like the best of, the best of friends
らんらん・・・ La la...
ぎゅ ぎゅ ぎゅ ぽかぽかする
Leisurely, languidly, let's row along
We've been left behind all this time
An ark in an unctuous deep brown colour
Bloop, bloop, bloop, it's so warm and nice
水水水の中湯湯 さあいっしょに仲良く溺れましょ
何でもかんでも忘れてさ さああっついつめたい 水平宇宙は
水水水の中湯湯 さあいっしょに仲良く浸りましょ
ぼーっとするまでいておくれ さあ仲良く仲良く遊びましょ
In the water, water, water, it's so warm; c'mon, let's drown together like the best of friends
Forgetting anything and everything; ah, warm, chilly, this horizontal universe
In the water, water, water, it's so warm; c'mon, let's get soaked together like the best of friends
Stay until we fall into a daze; c'mon, let's play together like the the best of, the best of friends
水水水の中湯湯 さあいっしょに仲良く溺れたよ
何でもかんでも忘れてさ さああっついつめたい 水平宇宙は
水水水の中湯湯 さあいっしょに仲良く浸ったよ
ぼーっとするまでいてくれたから 仲良く仲良く向こう岸
In the water, water, water, it's so warm; c'mon, we drowned together like the best of friends
Forgetting anything and everything; ah, warm, chilly, this horizontal universe
In the water, water, water, it's so warm; c'mon, we soaked together like the best of friends
Because you stayed with me until we fell into a daze, we get along, we get along on the other side
どこにもいけずに たゆたうよ
ゆらゆら ゆらゆら たゆたうよ
Unable to go anywhere in particular, we drift
Rocking and swaying, we drift

見つかんない見つかんない "Mitsukannai Mitsukannai"

Japanese English
どん どん 耳が良くなる
とん とん 小さな音で
どん どん 鼓動が跳ねる
ぐるぐる ぐるぐる
Dun-dun, my hearing gets better
Tun-tun, with a tiny sound
Dun-dun, my heartbeat jumps
Round and round and round and round
くらん くらん 目が良くなる
ちらん ちらん 小さな光
ぐらん ぐらん 鼓動が跳ねる
ぐるぐる ぐるぐる
Clatter-clatter, my eyesight gets better
Clash-clash, with a tiny light
Clatter-clatter, my heartbeat jumps
Round and round and round and round
大きなお耳 まんまるお目目の
かわいいぼくらには ね ね
With big ears and round eyes,
we're the cute ones, aren't we?
見つかんない 見つかんない 見つかんない
なんにもない なんにもないだけだそうだ そうだ
We can't find it, we can't find it, we can't find it
We came, just as we were told, but
There's nothing here, there's absolutely nothing here, it's true, it's true
Oh, why?